Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Discover Scuba

When one of my friend presented the idea of us getting together to take an introductory "Discover Scuba" Lesson for $20 at Dive World, you can be sure I wasn't about to say no. It was an awesome introductory "Discover Scuba" course! You are first introduced to scuba in a class room setting, and educated on what to expect. And after the 30 minute class room lecture, you get into the provided scuba gear, and plunge into the 12 ft indoor heated pool inside the store. No relationships, no traffic or television. You're free! even gravity has lost it's pull. Sure 12 feet of heated water isn't anything compared to being in the big deep blue, but what this course is all about is getting you familar with scuba gear, and basic techniques to scuba diving. Awesome introductory "Discover Scuba" course!

Dive World is located on FM 620 at the corner of Lake Creek Pkwy.

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